Promoviendo habilidades comunicativas en lengua extranjera (inglés) a través de contenidos en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad. Proyecto en desarrollo en la ESCUELA NORMAL SUPERIOR DE CALDAS. Una mirada ética hacia la ciencia y la tecnología.
What was our planet
like 100 years ago?
What is our planet
like now?
What will our
planet be like in 100 years?
Example: Houses used to be made of wood. People used to live
in big houses.
Now they are built of concrete. Now, we see more tall
buildings rather than houses.
Maybe there will be only taller buildings and no houses.
Plants and trees
There was a lot of biodiversity, because there was not
There is a lot of contamination. There are many cars,
factories and people.
There will not be many plants, because the future is full
of technology. The vegetation will disappear.
In the past it was perfect. The water was clean and the
world was not warming so quickly.
Currently, there is global warming. Water is very dirty
and there is a lot of contamination.
Rivers and oceans will be without water. For the animals
in the oceans there will not be any water.
Mountains/ valleys
In the past the mountains and valleys had lots of plants
and trees… There were less factories and contamination.
Currently, the factories and mining companies have used
lots of trees and resources
In the future maybe we will be in a better situation,
because humans can use technology to help save the planet.
There were a lot of animals in the past, because they had
lots of plants to eat. Humans did not consume as many animals.
Now there are few animals, because humans use animals for
experiments and humans eat much more meat than they used to.
In the future animals will not exist if people do not
change or care about them.
In the past people worked more at producing a lot of their
own food. People ate much more vegetables and fruit.
Currently, there are less crops, because of global warming.
El Nino and La Nina have affected the amount of crops.
In the future, there won't be many crops, because
technology will replace this.
In the past, people were happier, because they worked and
lived together in more of a community.
More people only use cell phones, they are lazy and do not
In the future, people might be able to change the world
with technology.
Promover el desarrollo de pensamiento crítico y habilidades comunicativas en lengua extranjera (Inglés).
En dos años los participantes del proyecto habrán realizado mínimo tres acciones concretas en beneficio de la humanidad utilizando los conocimientos adquiridos en Ciencia, Tecnología y sociedad; aplicando sus habilidades comunicativas en inglés.
Consolidar el equipo de trabajo.
Invitación a docentes de Tecnología y Filosofía.
Enero 26 –Febrero10
Luz Dary López Chica.
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Incorporación oficial de un nativo.
Febrero 10
Talento Humano
Olga Patricia Osorio y Luz Dary López.
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Inscripción de estudiantes
Febrero 9-19
Luz Dary López
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Planeación temáticas a abordar.
Miércoles 18 de Febrero
Talento humano,
Luz Dary López
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Diagnosticar habilidades comunicativas
Evaluación diagnóstica.
25 Febrero
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Pruebas saber 2014.
Estudiantes inscritos.
Aula asignada.
Luz Dary López Chica
Presentación del nativo al grupo y de los integrantes del proyecto.
4 Marzo de 2015
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Talento humano
Aula asignada.
Luz Dary López
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Desarrollar planes con estudiantes
Abordaje de los objetos de estudio.
11 de Marzo – 11 de Noviembre
Video vean, computador, internet,
Textos seleccionados,
Talento humano (tutores),
Aula asignada.
Luz Dary López Chica.
Presentar logros parciales
Evaluación diagnóstica
18 Noviembre
Prueba Icfes 2014
Estudiantes que han participado en el proyecto.
Aula asignada
Luz Dary López Chica
Socialización de avances en el proyecto.
25 Noviembre
Aula máxima
Talento humano ENSC
Luz Dary López Chica
Leonardo Díaz
Carlos Augusto Bermúdez
Mathew Phillips
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Análisis de avances y pertinencia del proyecto
2 Diciembre
Núcleo DPC
Luz Dary López Chica
Plan de mejoramiento
Diseño de plan de mejoramiento
Enero 2016
Tutores del proyecto
Luz Dary López Chica
Implementación plan de mejoramiento
Desarrollo de estrategias y planes de mejoramiento
Noviembre 2016
Talento humano ENSC
Espacios asignados.
Luz dary López Chica