jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

What we did last wednesday



Talk about important changes that Bogotá or the world has had during the last decades, due to human progress and development.

Inhabitants: before there were half a million people in Bogota. In this moment there are about 8 million inhabitants.

Past Habits: people were able to do more things in the streets. For example, dance, eat, play in the parks, and sell things…

Housing: Before there used to be very big houses. Now there are small apartments in very tall buildings. In the past, houses were made of different materials (Wood, bamboo,…) in this moment houses are made of concrete, metal, asbestos, and other materials.

Animals: There used to be more wild animals than today. People had a very different relationship with animals. People used animals as resources and used animals in a much more beneficial way. Today we eat meat and animals from other parts of the world.

Crops:_In the past crops were organic and natural. Now they are GMO (genetically modified organisms) For instance, Monsanto is the biggest manufacturer of seeds and pesticides.

Transportation:_In the past people used animals and there used to be more trains, boats, canoes. Today we use cruise ships, planes, cars, motorcycles, rockets.

Social behavior:_Kids could play in the streets. People had more respect for each other and the natural world. Children respected their parents and teachers more. Now, people have less respect for the natural world and their elders. People are more concerned about technology and less concerned with personal relationships.  In general, people lived their lives in a very sustainable manner.

Personal needs:_Before, people were more concerned about working and feeding their families. Today, people think about other things. People are more concerned about fulfilling their personal needs or desires.

Landscapes:_The landscape used to be much more greener. Today the world is filled with much more housing, buildings, and concrete. The world was a much cleaner place.

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

What do you think about these messages?

Contrasting ideas.
Yesterday we analyzed these songs. (Nothing but flower and big yellow taxi)

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Sharing our work

Today we share this work in class

Look at the  examples in the chart and write one idea per ítem.

What was our planet like 100 years ago?
What is our planet like now?
What will our planet be like in 100  years?
Example: Houses used to be made of wood. People used to live in big houses.
Now they are built of concrete. Now, we see more tall buildings rather than houses.
Maybe there will be only taller buildings and no houses.
Plants and trees
There was a lot of biodiversity, because there was not contamination.
There is a lot of contamination. There are many cars, factories and people.
There will not be many plants, because the future is full of technology. The vegetation will disappear.
In the past it was perfect. The water was clean and the world was not warming so quickly.
Currently, there is global warming. Water is very dirty and there is a lot of contamination.
Rivers and oceans will be without water. For the animals in the oceans there will not be any water.
Mountains/ valleys
In the past the mountains and valleys had lots of plants and trees… There were less factories and contamination.
Currently, the factories and mining companies have used lots of trees and resources
In the future maybe we will be in a better situation, because humans can use technology to help save the planet.
There were a lot of animals in the past, because they had lots of plants to eat. Humans did not consume as many animals.
Now there are few animals, because humans use animals for experiments and humans eat much more meat than they used to.
In the future animals will not exist if people do not change or care about them.
In the past people worked more at producing a lot of their own food. People ate much more vegetables and fruit.
Currently, there are less crops, because of global warming. El Nino and La Nina have affected the amount of crops.
In the future, there won't be many crops, because technology will replace this.
In the past, people were happier, because they worked and lived together in more of a community.
More people only use cell phones, they are lazy and do not work.
In the future, people might be able to change the world with technology.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Development Impact

